Doula Services

Doula Services at The Village Collective are provided by Kathryn Stoneman from Mamma Nurture

About Me

This is me, mum of three gorgeous children, birth and postpartum doula, mindfulness teacher, NDC practitioner from Possums & Co, Mindful Hypnobirthing Facilitator, Baby Yoga and Baby Massage teacher along with a mamma-to-be gatherer based on the Central Coast, NSW..

I always thought becoming a mamma would complete me, but oh my goodness did it do more than that! It opened me up to become a woman I never imagined I would be. My children have enabled me to realise my true-life purpose and have led me to where I am today - nurturing and supporting mammas through their transition from woman to mother.

I have created a service that combines my passions of nurturing and nourishing mammas with food, a supportive listening ear while sharing practical mindfulness skills to support this huge transition and transformation we go through when we become a mother.​

I honestly believe that when a baby is born, so is a mother, and we need to honour this incredible journey. In those first six weeks postpartum, we can set ourselves up to return to full health and vitality while experiencing calmness, happiness and so much joy.  

I believe this is achieved when we nurture the mamma, surround her with a supportive village and create a calming environment. And that is my life purpose - to do exactly that one mamma at a time.    

I hope I get to support you through your journey into motherhood - I know the support we need to make this transition as smooth, open and honest as possible. And the outcome when we nurture you, the mamma, is very powerful and life changing in so many ways.  

Kathryn’s Current and Upcoming Offerings at

The Village Collective